So Far, So Good

December 11, 1953 — The Times Record

The Mossadegh Project | May 8, 2021                          

An editorial on Iran in a Troy, New York newspaper.


A solution of the differences between Britain and Iran over the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s property appears well on the way. The period of dealing with one another at arm’s length seems to have ended with the weekend rapproachment when the year-long breach of normal diplomatic relations was healed. And both sides are equally eager to begin again the negotiations so long at a stand still.

Much will depend, of course, on the Iranian public’s receptiveness to the moves now being made. And this is hard to gauge, though there is yet evident some stubborn resistance on the part of Moslem diehards. The fanatical Mullah Kashani is trying to whip up anti-British sentiment again. The government has obviously been feeling its way along carefully, however, and may be expected to know the strength of the currents of popular feeling.

Recent British visitors to Iran discount, however, the likelihood of effective interference in efforts to come to terms on the oil question.

Mullah Kashani was an important and influential figure during Mossadegh’s regime and no doubt still has some hold on the feelings of a section of the ignorant and uninformed in Iran. [Ayatollah Kashani broke with Mossadegh and later supported the Shah against him]

Premier Zahedi, however, who incidentally has a wartime experience similar to Kashani’s to explain a certain coolness toward Britain, has been at pains to explain the necessity of resuming dealings with Britain, and his statement that the breach of relations did not solve any of the difficulties is one that even the uninformed can grasp and digest. [Fazlollah Zahedi]

Goodwill now in operation should speedily lead to an improvement in Iran’s position which will bring her problems to saner focus.

SENTENCED TO HANG: Mossadegh’s Media-Contrived Death Verdict
SENTENCED TO HANG: Mossadegh’s Contrived Death Verdict


Related links:

Relations With Iran | December 11, 1953 editorial

Britain, New Iranian Regime Closer to Oil Settlement | Nov. 25, 1953

Ups and Downs In Internationalism | The Troy Record, April 16, 1957

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