“Trouble and Unrest” in Middle East

August 8, 1952 — The Skaneateles Press

The Mossadegh Project | November 8, 2012                    

An editorial from The Skaneateles Press newspaper (founded 1874), serving the village of Skaneateles, New York.

Exit King Farouk

The abdication of King Farouk of Egypt is another in a long series of unmistakable signs which foretell trouble and unrest in the Middle East. Farouk has been an ally of the West and had saved the day in a serious crises over control of the Sudan only several months ago.

His exit followed by only a day or two the restoration of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran [Actually, Farouk’s exit preceded Mossadegh’s return by five days]. Mossadegh has been the dedicated foe of British profiteering in the Iranian oil industry, and his efforts to take over control of the huge oil producing industry in his country has resulted in the shutdown which has been in effect for months.

When he was replaced, it seemed that the West might win its fight in the Iranian oil dispute but Mossedegh’s return is an indication that the West might have to give in, partially at least, to Mossadegh’s demands.

The threat in Egypt also increases with the ouster of King Farouk by the army and nationalist political leaders. Egypt is an even more vital area for Great Britain than is Iran. The British have served notice they will fight to preserve their interests there. The trouble in one country, however, is not unconnected with trouble in other Middle East countries—including the nationalist uprising which threatens in Tunisia. The entire Middle East seething with discontent and resentment against the old-time colonial powers, who, for many years exploited the area for the benefit of Europe.

The Communists are today trying to do in the Middle East what they have succeeded in doing in Asia. United States foreign policy must reflect this realization and should be carried out along the line which would best insure tranquility in this vital area of the world.

Recently, the State Department has shown bad judgment in its Middle East decisions, especially concerning Tunisia. When the United States voted, against a United Nations inquiry into the Tunisian charges against France, that action was spread throughout the Middle Eastern world and acted to link the United States with the colonial policies of France.

Several other mistakes along this line might result in an explosive situation in more than one Middle Eastern country. Therefore, this is the time for a United States diplomatic and propaganda offensive in the Middle East, one which might prevent the same consequences which engulfed Asia.

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Related links:

Lesson For Mossadegh | November 1, 1952 U.S. editorial

Curtain For The Comedian | Santa Cruz Sentinel, Aug. 24, 1953

Power Politics Has Its Price | The Times Record, August 2, 1952

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