The Folly of Her Ways

July 8, 1951 — The Sunday Royal Gazette

The Mossadegh Project | February 23, 2022                    

Lead and sole editorial on Iran in the Sunday edition of The Royal Gazette (Hamilton, Bermuda). Owned by the Bermuda Press, Ltd., the newspaper incorporated The Royal Gazette (established 1828) and The Colonist and Daily News (established 1866).

The Sunday Royal Gazette (Hamilton, Bermuda)


Persia is proceeding fast with her ill-conceived plan to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Conditions for the British in Abadan and the surrounding oilfields are becoming intolerable. It appears that sooner or later they will be forced to leave the country.

Persia has shown no desire for conciliation, no willingness to make the slightest concession. They have demanded payment of three-quarters of all proceeds from oil earned since March 20 — the date of the nationalisation law. They have made no attempt to offer any terms of compensation for the so-called nationalisation, which could be better described as expropriation. [simply untrue]

Meanwhile, they have continued to pour out through the Press and radio a stream of abuse and vilification against Britain. Not content with the anti-British propaganda, insults have now been unleashed against the International Court of Justice whose jurisdiction Persia refuses to recognise.

Persia has wilfully broken the agreement she entered into with Britain in 1933 under which she covenanted not to introduce legislation to annul the oil concession.

As all appeals to reason have failed, it seems that Britain’s only course is to close down the operation and withdraw her technicians from the oilfields. In so doing she must see that her nationals are fully protected.

Persia has neither the means, nor the technical skill to operate the oilfields unaided and she may then come to realise the folly of her ways.

70th Anniversary of TIME’s 1951 Man of the Year
Challenge of the East: TIME's 1951 Man of the Year Mohammad Mossadegh


Related links:

Iran and the World Court | The Shreveport Times, June 26, 1951

Initiative Now With Persia | Newcastle Morning Herald, Oct. 12, 1951

Will Mossadegh Find A Fellow Weeper? | Montreal Gazette, Nov. 15, 1951

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