July 30, 1952 — Pittsburgh Press
The Mossadegh Project | May 11, 2024 |
The Pittsburgh Press newspaper (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) ran this lead editorial on Iran and U.S. foreign policy in 1952. With a few adjustments, it could have been written today.
Why Are We Hated?
THE ouster of all Americans from Iran has been demanded from the floor of the Iranian Parliament by Deputy Shams Ghanat-Abadi. [Shams Ghanatabadi]
Ghanat-Abadi is not a Communist. He is known as the right hand man of Iran’s leading religious figure, who in turn is a close supporter of Premier Mossadegh.
Anti-American feeling has been building up in Iran since the beginning of the oil dispute between Iran and Britain, in which the United States figured as an ineffectual mediator. Contracts for the American military missions now in Iran expire in October and American officials there are worried, it is reported, that these contracts will not be extended if the current wave of anti-American feeling retains its strength.
Might it not be better for us to cancel these contracts of our own volition and get out of the country before being kicked out—and then not go back until we are invited?
The U.S. has given Iran loans and Point Four money, and has attempted to be helpful to that country in many other ways. But we appear to have succeeded only in making ourselves misunderstood. Our motives are suspect. It is becoming unsafe for Americans to appear on the streets of Tehran.
It is time we were asking ourselves why so many people hate us. While Iran is an extreme case, anti-American feeling is gaining ground in most parts of the world. It is finding increasing expression in Britain and Western Europe, as well as in the so-called backward countries.
This poses a serious problem which demands a careful examination of our operations abroad.
Soviet propaganda can claim credit for some of the misunderstanding, but surely not for all of it. The Russians aren’t that good.
Some of the fault must be in ourselves. We should find out what it is and how to correct it. [*cough*! — U.S. backing the British]
A foreign policy which makes enemies where it should be making friends obviously is unsound and dangerous, whatever its pretensions.
This problem has been ignored too long, and the anti-American demonstrations in Iran are a clear warning of serious trouble ahead if the present trend isn’t arrested and reversed.
Related links:
Persian Time Bomb | The Mercury, August 6, 1952
So Much Eyewash! | The Pittsburgh Press, February 1, 1952
Iran Knows Communism Won’t Solve Its Problems | The Press Democrat, July 23, 1953
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”