October 31, 1952 — Key West Citizen (letter)
Arash Norouzi The Mossadegh Project | December 15, 2023 |
On September 23, 1952, Senator Richard Nixon famously delivered his contrite “Checkers” speech. As General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s running mate in the 1952 Presidential electon, Nixon’s emotional appeal helped save himself from a corruption scandal and remain on the ticket.
This jocular letter to the editor, penned a month later, ran in the The Key West Citizen newspaper in Florida.
People’s Forum
October 31, 1952
Editor, The Citizen:
Iranian Premier Mossadegh has many newfound disciples in Republican ranks.
“Papa” Mossadegh pays us a visit, sheds tears and then spends the rest of his time in bed. America is deeply moved — ready to give him all of the land west of the Mississippi.
Comes Nixon with the “sob routine” — America is again deeply moved.
Now comes Eisenhower, reacting to Truman’s alleged charges of racial and religious bias: (Quote from the Miami Herald, October 21, 1952) “I get so angry that I (Eisenhower) start to choke.”
Allah be praised!!! Are we about to send men weeping to the White House to represent us in these crucial times? Californians (bless their understanding) presented Nixon with a ham. It should have been a national gesture.
Bartender! Pass me another drink — I feel a “jag” coming on.
Bill Wagner
Key West
Related links:
Eisenhower vs Stevenson is to Shah vs Mossadegh? (1953 Letter)
Time For Action | The Key West Citizen, October 21, 1952
DNC Accused of Preselecting Presidential Nominee (July 1952 Letter)
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”