Who is in control in Tehran?

August 20, 1953 — The Evening Times

The Mossadegh Project | November 17, 2023                        

Excerpt from a column in The Evening Times newspaper in Scotland, reacting to the 1953 coup in Iran.

TALK for the TIMES

WHO is in control in Teheran and for how long? The very confused broadcasts from that city indicate that the struggle between Mossadeq and the Shah’s supporters has reached a more violent phase than might have been anticipated from the Shah’s departure.

Indeed the flight of the Shah from his country has all the appearance of weakness consistent with what is known of his exchanges with the wily old Premier. But his absence from the country may be exploited now as evidence that he had no part in any bloodshed.

Should the Premier he claims to have nominated prove equal to the real defeat of Dr Mossadeq, the Shah himself will need to prove equal to stronger measures than ever he has done. This Premier avows intention of considerable social reforms. These are indispensable to the recovery and stability of the country.

Hal o’ the ‘Wynd.

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SAFER AT HOME: U.S. Implores Shah To Stay In Iran (Feb. 1953)
SAFER AT HOME: U.S. Implores Shah To Stay In Iran (Feb. 1953)

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Related links:

Iranian Coup | The Evening Sun (Baltimore), August 20, 1953

Our National Character | Anti-Mossadegh CIA Propaganda (1953)

Too Early For Optimism Over Persia | Calgary Herald, Aug. 20, 1953

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