Something Fishy

February 6, 1953 — The Chronicle-Telegram

The Mossadegh Project | June 27, 2024                      

An editorial on Iran in The Chronicle-Telegram newspaper (Elyria, Ohio).

Iran and Caviar

The Kremlin’s caviar concession in the Iranian waters of the Caspian sea has come to an end. No longer will Russia be able to collect the tiny eggs from Caspian waters and ship them to all parts of the world.

Russia wanted Iran to extend the agreement for another 25 years but Mossadegh refused. Evidently he feels that caviar may bring to his treasury funds to replenish some of the losses incurred in his misadventures in oil. The delicacy is Iranian now. No more will the proletarian provide caviar for the tables of their rich patrons.

Perhaps Iranian caviar may come into its own if wily old Mossadegh can manage to market it. He may find customers a bit wary of dealing with him however. His behaviour in the matter of oil concessions was enough to arouse suspicion and other countries may feel that his offer of Iranian caviar for sale has something fishy about it.

Richard Stokes’ Second Thoughts on Iranian Oil (1951 Letter)
Richard Stokes' Letter to Clement Attlee, Aga Khan Concurs (1951)


Related links:

Caviar and Oil | February 4, 1953 editorial

Oppression of the Workers by Mossadeq Dictatorship | CIA Propaganda (1953)

Turkey Gloomy Over Outlook In Iran | Montreal Gazette, May 21, 1951

MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”

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