October 1, 1951 — The Chicago Daily Tribune
Arash Norouzi |
This brief, self-explanatory editorial ribbed Senator Paul Howard Douglas (1892-1976), a former economics professor who represented Illinois from 1949 to 1967 as a Democrat. In 1972, columnist Holmes Alexander defined him as an “emotional patriot”.
In their January 1, 1952 lead editorial, FAREWELL, ‘51, HELLO ‘52, the Tribune rehashed their October gag, noting these as oratory milestones: “Premier Mossadegh of Iran accompanied every public oration with a fit of weeping. Sen. Paul Douglas howled in the Senate.”
Once was more than enough.
Premier Mossadegh of Iran may fly to New York to make a personal plea to the United Nations in support of Iran’s nationalization of the British oil properties. The premier has a unique forensic manner. He invariably weeps thruout a speech.
His appearance here would present an unrivaled opportunity for presenting an historic radio and television debate. We propose to match Mossadegh with our own Sen. Paul Douglas. Mossadegh can cry, and Paul can howl.
Related links:
Mossadegh’s Command of English — Letter to The Chicago Daily Tribune, Nov. 3, 1951
Letter From an Irate Taxpayer to The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 24, 1952
New Try In Settlement On Iran’s Oil — UPI, October 25, 1951
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned“