July 17, 1951 — The Chester Times
The Mossadegh Project | December 22, 2016 |

A newspaper in Chester, Pennsylvania printed this harsh lead editorial criticizing U.S. President Harry S. Truman.
• Harry Truman editorial archive
• Harry Truman letters, speeches, etc.
Many Things Contribute
to Mistrust of Truman
Congress is fighting shy of giving President Truman the larger powers he seeks to control the lives and activities of the citizens. This is particularly plain in the debates over larger powers for the President to control prices and wages.
Plain fact of the matter is, congress does not trust Truman. And this distrust by congress is a reflection of public opinion.
When the administration of the federal government is studied, it is understandable why neither congress nor the people can have much trust in Truman, his officials and the policies they have been fumbling with since the end of the war. [World War II]
Contributing to the mistrust of Truman are many things. They include his background in the notorious Pendergast machine; [Kansas City political boss Thomas J. Pendergast, imprisoned for corruption] the scandals within his official family, including deep freezes and mink coats and free vacations at plush hotels for White House personnel. They include his brazen continuation of the “spend, tax elect” program that is steadily depreciating the dollar and causing higher and higher prices. They include his tragic errors in foreign affairs climaxed by the Korean “police action” with its 80,000 American casualties. [Korean War]
As subsequent events have proved, it was a sad day for the American people when they reelected Harry Truman. And that sadness will deepen if they, by any chance, return him to the White House for another term.
Related links:
Motives and Dangers | The Times Record, October 9, 1951
He Smells A Dictator | Anti-Eisenhower letter in The Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1953
Alibis From the Generalissimo | New York Daily News, June 26, 1951
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