“Support of the Communists”

August 19, 1953 — The Bakersfield Californian

The Mossadegh Project | July 1, 2024                    

The Bakersfield Californian built this sanctimonious editorial around a misleading Aug. 17th United Press wire article which opened: “Premier Mohammad Mossadegh took firm control of the nation today with the support of the Communists after smashing an attempt by followers of the shah to overthrow him.”

Although it was published the day Mossadegh was overthrown, the editorial was surely written prior to the event, and they decided to run it anyway. Their front page headline was “MOSSADEGH IS OUSTED — Hundreds Die In Iran Coup.”

More Tears for ‘Mossy’
the Lachrymose Premier

Irony reposes in preliminary reports that lachrymose Premier Mohammed Mossadegh has taken “firm control of the nation . . . with the support of the Communists.”

There is the catch—“with the support of the Communists.”

With the notable exception of Yugoslavia all countries to which the Communists have extended their “support” have wound up under strict control of the Reds.

The saline dimmed tear ducts of the weepy premier have obscured his vision if he now thinks he has firm control of his country. Insofar as police action is concerned it is probably true that a certain control is being exercised.

Premier Mossadegh will find a big difference between the helpful and economic paternalism of the Western world and the political-police dictatorship of the Soviet.

The Reds are moving in stronger than ever. We predict more tears for the weeper.

Search MohammadMossadegh.com

Related links:

Mossadegh Wants Money | August 18, 1952 editorial

A Painful Thorn | The Huntsville Times, August 17, 1953

Iran Flirts With Reds Again | Independent Record, Oct. 11, 1952

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