Iran Rebels Face Exile

May 23, 1955 — The Associated Press

The Mossadegh Project | April 8, 2016                     

5 Iran Ex-Officials Face Jail
In “White Man’s Hell”

AP (The Associated Press)

TEHRAN, Iran, May 22—(AP)—An official source said yesterday Iran may exile five former colleagues of imprisoned ex-Premier Mohammed Mossadegh to an area near the Persian Gulf known as “The White Man’s Hell.” [Whatever that means]

The five were arrested Thursday on orders of Brig. Gen. Teimour Bakhtiar, military governor of Tehran, and charged with “intriguing against the government.” [Teymour Bakhtiar later intrigued against the Shah himself and as a result was assassinated]

The men are Dr. Abdullah Moazemi, former speaker of the Majlis or lower house of Parliament; [Abdollah Moazzami] former Foreign Minister Bagher Kazemi, Shamsuddin Amir Alaei, Mossadegh’s minister to Belgium; Saied Fatemi, editor of a pro-Mossadegh newspaper and nephew of the late Hossein Fatemi, executed former foreign minister; [Saeid Fatemi] and Nikpour Naeini, former leader of Mossadegh’s National movement.

Mossadegh was overthrown in August 1953 by supporters of the Shah and Gen. Fazollah Zahedi, who had U.S. backing. [The month prior (April 1955), Premier Fazlollah Zahedi had been discreetly pushed out of office by the Shah, who disfavored him, and replaced by Hossein Ala]

[Annotations by Arash Norouzi]

• Note: INS (International News Service) reported this news on May 21st, 1955, two days before AP.


Related links:

Police in Tehran Club Demonstrators | Associated Press, January 22, 1962

70 Mossadegh Backers Seized | United Press, October 29, 1957

Pushing People Around | The Times Record editorial, June 20, 1955

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