Persian Panhandling
June 2, 1953 — The Philadelphia Inquirer

The Mossadegh Project | October 17, 2014                    

In this compact Tuesday morning editorial, The Philadelphia Inquirer made three references — in the beginning, middle and end — to crying in reference to Mossadegh. We get the point!

Mossadegh’s Sitdown

Iran’s Premier Mossadegh, who has made fits of weeping his trademark in international affairs, has come around to a more conventional idea in seeking a solution to his country’s problems.

It is money. American money, to be specific. Mossadegh thinks there isn’t anything wrong with Iran that a sizable handout of American dollars won’t cure. He made known this simple plan in a meeting with American Ambassador Loy Henderson, just before Henderson took off on a flight to Washington.

We don’t know, of course, what Henderson will report. But it has seemed evident that Mossadegh has been on a sitdown strike and the $300,000,000 of our money he is after may be what he’s striking for. In the months since the row with England over Iranian oil began, Mossadegh has stoutly resisted any move toward settlement. When a proposal is made, he either takes to his bed or bursts into tears. [an utterly absurd claim] Conditions in Iran, deprived of oil revenues, grow worse every day, making the country a more tempting target for the Communists.

Mossadegh doesn’t seem to be concerned about this threat. His chief interest appears to be in trying to prove, with our help, that he can get along without the British.

There’s only one sensible answer to this troublemaker’s plea for funds to bail him out of the situation he brought about. Even if it produces another flood of tears, Mossadegh should be told his game won’t work; the answer is “no.” Let him take his little problem up with the British.


Related links:

Harriman Must Show Great Diplomatic Ability | Edgar Ansel Mowrer, July 16, 1951

We Asked For It | November 19, 1951 editorial on Iran

No Lack of Nerve in Mossadegh Bid For U.S. Loan | Buffalo Courier-Express, Aug. 3, 1952

MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”

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