The More Things Change...

August 12, 1952 — Buffalo Courier-Express

The Mossadegh Project | January 29, 2015                    

If You Want Trouble, There’s Plenty in the Middle East

Middle East turmoil and journalistic ignorance prevail, 6½ decades after this heavily biased, factually flawed editorial made it to print. Nice title, though...

If You Want Trouble,
There’s Plenty in the Middle East

The Parliament of the little Arab country of Jordan yesterday ended the brief reign of King Talal I, son of the late King Abdullah, and Talal’s 17-year-old son, Prince Hussein, on the throne. The reason for Jordan’s change in monarchs is the fact that King Talal is reputed to be suffering from schizophrenia or a split personality. That seems grimly symbolic of conditions throughout the Middle East.

Take Iran for example—indeed, as the most conspicuous example. There that weird character, Premier Mossadegh, stirs the populace to violent hatred of Britain and America [nonsense] — and then turns and wails for American and British economic aid against the Communists who are busily capitalizing [on] the mob spirit inflamed by Mossadegh himself. [Obviously, Iran did not seek British aid!]

Mossadegh seems to be getting away with it to some extent. At least, according to the Associated Press, “American officials are suggesting privately that if Britain could find a way to relax her economic blockade of Iran and permit oil to be sold to the outside world, Mossadegh’s anti-Communist influence on a badly split country would be reinforced.” [AP—August 11, 1952]

There is a note of probably unintentional irony in that reference to “Mossadegh’s anti-Communist influence.” Realists in the United States, Britain and elsewhere must wonder just what changes, if any, the most rabid Communist would make in Mossadegh’s present policy toward the Western powers.

In Egypt, too, there is an aspect of split personality in development of national policy. In America and, to a lesser extent, in Britain there seems to be a cheerful assumption that the regime which overthrew King Farouk [Naguib and Nasser] will be disposed to co-operate with the West. There is not a vast deal of evidence to back up this rather wishful thinking.


Related links:

Why Are We Hated? | The Pittsburgh Press, July 30, 1952

After Mossadegh the Deluge | Alsop brothers, August 13, 1952

Iran Is Headed Toward Disaster | UPI, August 11, 1952

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